Mill on Liberty

from £78.00

In this masterclass you will look at Mill and his views on the limits of political power as written about in On Liberty. You will discuss his focus not just on limiting the powers that be, but also preventing the tyranny of the majority. You will explain and justify the Harm Principle, before moving onto the reasons that different philosophers justify interference in liberty in contradiction to the Harm Principle. This includes Paternalism, Offence, and Choice Limitation. What are the differences between positive and negative rights?

  • Duration: Suggested 1-2 hours, dependent on the level of detail desired.

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In this masterclass you will look at Mill and his views on the limits of political power as written about in On Liberty. You will discuss his focus not just on limiting the powers that be, but also preventing the tyranny of the majority. You will explain and justify the Harm Principle, before moving onto the reasons that different philosophers justify interference in liberty in contradiction to the Harm Principle. This includes Paternalism, Offence, and Choice Limitation. What are the differences between positive and negative rights?

  • Duration: Suggested 1-2 hours, dependent on the level of detail desired.

In this masterclass you will look at Mill and his views on the limits of political power as written about in On Liberty. You will discuss his focus not just on limiting the powers that be, but also preventing the tyranny of the majority. You will explain and justify the Harm Principle, before moving onto the reasons that different philosophers justify interference in liberty in contradiction to the Harm Principle. This includes Paternalism, Offence, and Choice Limitation. What are the differences between positive and negative rights?

  • Duration: Suggested 1-2 hours, dependent on the level of detail desired.

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