Women Writers, World Literature Camille Goodman Women Writers, World Literature Camille Goodman

Great Female Writers - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Female & African American Identity

Nigerian female author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, is a renowned public speaker as well as a novelist. Her main concerns as a writer are female and African American identity, and she repeatedly explores the extent of an individual’s autonomy in determining cultural identity. Check out her inspirational and resonant novels, 'Half of a Yellow Sun' and 'Americanah', as well as her various TED Talks, including 'The Danger of a Single Story' and 'We Should All Be Feminists'.

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Women Writers, World Literature Camille Goodman Women Writers, World Literature Camille Goodman

Great Female Writers - Iris Murdoch: The Perfect Travelling Companion

Read published author, Elisa’s engaging piece on why the deeply-philosophical, yet compelling writer, Iris Murdoch, deserves a new audience: “I discovered Iris Murdoch in my first year at Cambridge, where I was studying English at Pembroke College…this was 1999 and my best friend had just finished The Sea, The Sea by Iris Murdoch and passed it to me as I waved my goodbye before leaving.”

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Women Writers, World Literature Camille Goodman Women Writers, World Literature Camille Goodman

Great Female Writers - Discovering Haiti: Edwidge Danticat

A spotlight on Edwidge Danticat, a Haitian author who writes in English. Amy first discovered her work when completing her french dissertation on Haitian literature, and found her novels a fascinating insight into a history that was previously unknown - the parsley massacre, the continued rivalry between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. This post spotlights a different country as well as an inspiring female author worth a voice.

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